Innovation and partnerships
The value-creation of Université de Haute-Alsace’s research is one of its strengths. This function is co-financed by partners involved in the socio-economic and institutional domains and serves as a most effective lever to the development of incremental and radical innovation, but also to strengthen fundamental research.
The research undertaken by the University in close collaboration with its partners (the SATT Conectus, the competitivity hubs, SEMIA,...) covers the seven principal levels of the TRL Scale (Technology Readiness Level or technology maturity level) and thus ensures value-creation and technology transfer activities which are constantly improving. The coherence of the ecosystem supports this development.
Supportive development context
SATT Conectus Alsace
Serving as the link between academic research and economic markets, the role of SATT Conectus Alsace is to maximise the positive socio-economic results of academic research and accelerate and enable technology and research knowledge transfer to enterprises operating at all scales. SATT has at its disposal an incubator fund which enables it to finance and support innovative projects to the point of their take-up by enterprises, whilst bearing the associated technological and financial burden of risk.
Strong relationships with competitivity hubs
UHA is a member of 4 competitivity hubs in Alsace, Franche-Comté and Lorraine (Pôle Véhicule du Futur, Fibres-Energivie, Hydréos and Alsace Biovalley) with which it maintains very close ties, particularly in respect of the relationship between the participating enterprises and the research laboratories.
A concentrated and loyal network of industrial partners
One of the strengths of UHA’s research lies in the attraction of its laboratories, which is duly attested to by the 190 enterprises of all sizes, nationally and internationally, with whom these laboratories have collaborated over the last ten years. Each year, some 60 enterprises are involved in university projects.
An incubator at the service of the laboratories.
SEMIA is the innovate business incubator for the Alsace region. Since 2010 SEMIA has had a permanent bureau in LAMIE (La Maison de l’Innovation des Entreprises – the Centre for Innovation and Enterprise) alongside the University’s research management function. The purpose of such proximity is to encourage the emergence of startups coming from the university itself and to stimulate an entrepreneurial spirit on the part of those involved in academic research. In order to further reinforce this link, premises within the university are put at the disposal of the startup and entrepreneurship awareness activities are jointly delivered, such as the student-entrepreneur competition or education and training modules on the subject of entrepreneurship.
Approaches to the development of research and associated value-creation within UHA.
For a number of years now, the arrival of SATT Conectus Alsace, the Carnot Institute and two professorial chairs has constituted a significant advance in value-creation and the institution of long term perspectives.
The Carnot Institute : leader in functional materials.
The Carnot Institute MICA has become a major player in partnership-based research in Alsace. Its operational objectives are clearly defined :
- To increase collaborations with current industrial partners and develop R&D partnerships with new clients.
- To capitalise continually upon best practice in partnership research
- To employ its excellent scientific expertise in anticipating industry needs
- To be a key player in the network of Carnot Institutes in order to promote collective moves towards enterprises and inter-Carnot collaborations.
- Develop its industrial and academic partnerships at international level.
- Play a key role in innovation and research value-creation throughout the newly-established Grand Est Region.